How to get a digital NHS COVID Pass

NHS digital NHS COVID Pass information can be found here on this website:

Adults can apply for a digital COVID pass based on a positive PCR test – here’s what it says on the website – I’ve highlighted the information which relates specifically to positive PCR tests.

How to get a digital NHS COVID Pass

There are 2 ways you can get a digital NHS COVID Pass.


You can:

Once you have your NHS COVID Pass you can download it as a PDF or it can be sent as a link in an email.

You need to be registered with a GP surgery in England to use the NHS App.

You’ll be asked to create an NHS login if you do not have one already.

What is NHS login

You cannot get an NHS COVID Pass through the NHS App if you live in Wales.

How long a digital NHS COVID Pass is valid for

A digital NHS COVID Pass is valid for 30 days. The 30-day period refreshes and starts again each time you log in.

If you have an NHS COVID Pass for travel based on a positive PCR test, the 30-day period will refresh for up to 180 days after you took the test.

If you use the NHS App for your NHS COVID Pass, it may ask you to confirm your phone number when you log in. If you do not confirm it, your NHS COVID Pass will be valid for only 72 hours.

If you download your digital NHS COVID Pass as a PDF it will be valid for 30 days. Always check the expiry date before using it.